Keep your phone number when you switch to Hargray. Simply complete the form and authorization below.
Porting of Local Phone Service
To Whom It May Concern:
The undersigned appoints and authorizes Hargray to act as its communications representative and/or agent in arranging for my telephone service. This authority extends to, but is not limited to, the provisioning of initial service or the porting of my current telephone number(s).
I have authorized Hargray to act as my communications representative to:
- Place service orders
- Port my telephone numbers from current service provider
- Obtain account information, such as:
- Billing information
- Type of service
- Number of phone lines
- Additional service on the account
This authorization is to remain in effect until canceled by me in writing. This letter of agency rescinds any other letter of agency.
Note: Hargray will make its best effort to complete the porting process and fully activate service within 5 to 7 business days. However, due to the complexity of the porting process and inability to control the procedures to be performed by the other parties, Hargray cannot guarantee this porting interval.
*It is the responsibility of Hargray to discuss the E-911 and 911 services with you at the time of your transaction! Do not sign this form until you understand E-911 and 911.
Thank you for using Hargray!
Current Carrier Information
Fields marked with a * are required